The Value in Having a Dementia Practitioner on the Team
How a Dementia Practitioner is Valuable
The diagnosis of an irreversible dementia, such as Alzheimer’s Disease or Frontotemporal Dementia, stirs up a lot of unknowns. Dementia is not a one size fits all diagnosis. The symptoms, challenging behaviors and progression of dementia varies from person to person. Because dementia is not predictable, the care team should include those who are properly trained. A Certified Dementia Practitioner is necessary on the care team because this improves the quality of care and quality of life for the person with dementia. Certified Dementia Practitioners (CDPs) are also a valuable resource to caregivers.
A CDP is a healthcare professional, such as a registered nurse, case manager or care manager, who has experience working with those who have a dementia diagnosis. The CDP has received additional training by a dementia expert and certification by the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners. These professionals are dedicated to advancing their education in this field and committed to providing the highest level of care to patients who have a dementia diagnosis. You can learn more about this certification here:
If you have ever been touched by dementia, you know the heartbreaking journey. There are good days and bad days. What worked well one day, doesn’t work the next day. What once brought laughter, may now bring anger. There are times when the appetite is great, and other times it is non-existent. Some days there are no safety concerns, and some days wandering or eloping out of the home is a scare. There are times when conversation is pleasant, and there are times when yelling seems to be the only form of communication.
A properly trained healthcare professional knows how to respond to the above changes. They have the knowledge to set up a safe environment by painting the doorknobs the same color as the door or making sure coats aren’t hanging at the front door to reduce wandering out of the home. They have techniques for how to respond to episodes of agitation with a TADA approach. They have tools to improve appetite with changing the color of the plate and placemat and knowing what food to put on the plate. A dementia practitioner’s training includes much more than this, but I’m sure you can already see the benefit.
No matter where your loved one is living with dementia, they deserve to have a CDP on their care team. Our healthcare system includes a heart expert on the care team for a heart condition, so why wouldn’t you want a dementia expert on the care team for a dementia diagnosis? The CDP doesn’t need to be their full-time caregiver, or visiting frequently, but gaining guidance and support from a CDP will only have a positive and meaningful impact. This healthcare professional should be someone who is readily available when changes occur. They offer another level of support for the person living with dementia.
A dementia practitioner has a wealth of knowledge, and they are excellent educators. It’s important that everyone who interacts with the person with dementia is properly trained. Without having the necessary training, it is possible that an interaction that was meant to be pleasant could spark an undesirable response from the person with dementia. Secure a dementia practitioner for your loved one so you can make interactions positive and create a support system that works well.
To learn mealtime tips from Wellness Strategies Group’s CDP, click here: