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Nurse Leadership Coaching

The Importance Of Nurse Leadership Coaching

Let’s face it.  Nursing leadership roles can be stressful and have a high turnover rate.  There are demanding caseloads for the nursing workforce, challenging organizational cultures, and less-than-ideal work-life balance.

I was a nurse leader who successfully overcame the challenges associated with the demands of this career to beat the high turnover rate. I want to share my strategies for success with you, including the benefits of nurse leadership coaching.

Most companies offer their nursing leaders an onboarding boot camp.  This is excellent for learning the companies’ mission, policies, and procedures, and gaining connections within the company.  These are valuable tools, but is this what allows nurse managers to excel and remain in their role?

Nurse leadership coaching is essential in this context. Nurses need a mentor outside the workplace for an unbiased perspective and improved patient outcomes. This fosters personal and professional growth by offering diverse insights, guidance, and support beyond the organizational context.

If you are embarking on a new leadership role, or maybe you find yourself stumbling along the way, I’m here to help you achieve professional success and maintain a work-life balance.  It’s possible!

As a master’s prepared registered nurse majoring in administration and leadership, combined with 30 years of nursing experience, I have created a signature 12-week program to transform your journey towards leadership excellence and holistic well-being. 

A client looking for a nurse leadership coaching.

“Andrea has wonderful communication strategies to help people process their ideas and build confidence in their strengths. She has a lot of experience that has built her wisdom and I’m grateful to have her mentor me.”  – Amy B. RN

dementia care

Are You Ready to Collaborate with a Nurse Leader Coach?

Benefit from the coaching skills and experience of a nurse coach who has thrived as a nurse leader.

Acquire essential leadership skills, strategies, and insights tailored to nurse leaders’ unique challenges.

Learn how to seamlessly integrate wellness practices into your busy schedule, fostering a healthier work-life balance. 

Elevate your communication skills when collaborating with administrative teams and cultivate a trustworthy team dynamic.

Navigate ethical decision making and gain tactful approaches to adhering to the scope of practice.

Acquire an ally in someone who has walked a similar path!

What To Expect

Exclusive 12-Week Program:

Weekly sessions

One hour each

Flexible timing

One on one with Andrea


Follow-up sessions:

For graduates of the 12-week program

Biweekly or monthly sessions

45 minutes each

Flexible timing

One-on-one with Andrea

This Is What We Will Cover In 12 Weeks

Individual Coaching Sessions Are Available

If you can’t commit to 12 weeks of coaching or need training focused on a specific area, we can develop the perfect plan just for you!  Flexible coaching packages are available, so please contact me to discuss your options.

Home Nurse getting ready to visit a patient

Director of Nursing for Home Care

male nurse

Director of Nursing for Assisted Living

Delegating Nurses

nurse leadership coaching

Memory Care Nurses

This is a photograph of Andrea Bendig taking someone's blood pressure.

Success Story

Here’s an inspiring story about a client, a dedicated nurse who transformed her career by venturing into entrepreneurship as a delegating nurse.  From her humble beginnings working in a small, assisted living facility, she embraced the challenge of starting her own business and now stands as a testament to success, in a nurse leadership role working for herself.  I’m so excited for her hard work, and commitment to excellence in healthcare leadership!  Wishing you continued success! 

Secure Your Spot! 

Call for a complimentary consultation to discuss your current position, struggles, and goals of being one of the best nurse leader coaches.  Together, we will ensure our compatibility before proceeding.  This is crucial for your success.  

Let's Elevate Your Leadership & Wellness!

Space is limited for this signature, one on one program.  Take advantage of this opportunity to pursue a brighter, more fulfilling career.

Are you ready to take the first step towards a transformative journey in your nursing career?  Get in touch with me

Expert Dementia Care Consulting Services

We also provide a diverse range of specialized services tailored to meet our client’s unique needs:

If you’re seeking personalized advocacy to navigate the healthcare system and ensure your needs are addressed, our experienced team is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you.

A trusted dementia care consultant ready to help you.

Contact Andrea To Learn More About Nurse Leadership Coaching Services